Toronto Proposals
Any change within T.O. or surrounding areas
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Purchase the lot and build an outdoor hockey rink at 1375 Queen St. West, Ward 14 4 replies |
on March 17, 2016 at 02:45 by user 3
Currently, this lot is owned by 'Imperial Oil' and at this time, they have no interest in selling or leasing. This proposal will be kept as a reference until the lot is available. This rink should be a basic layout with appropriate markings, two benches, boards and glass surrounding the area. The floor should be concrete good enough for rollerblading in the summer and easy to ice over in the winter. The proposed size of the rink is 15m by 35.25m, this leaves a couple meters on every side of the lot. Permanent goals on each side will also be installed. Zoning Department. Land Development Department. Sports Department.
0 replies | Topic: Who will be affected by this change?
Zoning Dep. will organize the assessment and transfer of land.
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Purchasing of the lot, estimate 8515 Sq. Ft. at $60 per Sq. Ft. = $501,900. The rink itself could probably be built for under $75,000.
4 replies | Topic: What are the projected costs of this change?
Initial proposal offer on the lot: $500,000 taken from Zoning Dep. Budget.
Adopted replies
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Create community. Encourage physical activity. Someone may get hurt playing.
0 replies | Topic: What are the consequences of this change?
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Land Purchase Contract. Construction contract. Maintenance Contract
0 replies | Topic: Is there a contract required for this change?
Yet to be determined. These may be submitted here once funds are available.
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1375 Queen St. West.
0 replies | Topic: Where will this change take place?
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Currently unknown. The structure should be permanent once established and used year round.
0 replies | Topic: What are the duration dates of this change?
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The lot confirmed and purchased. A rink design and construction contract established. Maintenance of rink routine confirmed.
0 replies | Topic: Are their conditions before this change can be activated?
Before a purchase on the lot is made these proposals needs to be passed. ?vroot=68 construction plan. - Land Development Dep.
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The connected departments will produce their finalized proposals with contracts and link them to this one, upon passing, construction begins.
0 replies | Topic: How will this change be managed? Specifics
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