Site Proposals
Improvements for site functionality
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Limiting the amount of proposals allotted per user to one a year once we reach 2000 members signed up to the forum 4 replies |
on January 19, 2017 at 16:44 by user 3
Every user once the 2000th member threshold is reached.
0 replies | Topic: Who will be affected by this change?
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It could cost quality proposals from expert users who have more than one good idea a year.
0 replies | Topic: What are the projected costs of this change?
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Allows for more focused proposals and engaged discussion. Less noise.
0 replies | Topic: What are the consequences of this change?
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No, it will be written in the code of the site.
0 replies | Topic: Is there a contract required for this change?
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Throughout the site. Unless otherwise specified.
0 replies | Topic: Where will this change take place?
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Upon the sign up of the 2000th user to the site, until otherwise authorized.
0 replies | Topic: What are the duration dates of this change?
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Not to be done until the 2000th user has signed up.
0 replies | Topic: Are their conditions before this change can be activated?
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An alteration to the open source code will be implemented.
0 replies | Topic: How will this change be managed? Specifics
The specific code line will be added here once available.
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